This section only focuses on how to capture images with an ArduCAM using a web socket server. You can use any Blynk-based software implementation to control the robot through your Wi-Fi network.
Arduino libraries
You will need the following Arduino libraries to write the Arduino sketch using Arduino IDE:
- ArduCAM
- ESP8266-Websocket
You can download these Arduino libraries as a ZIP file (Figure 8.13) from

Figure 8.13: Arduino libraries for ArduCAM
The following steps will guide you how to include the previously mentioned libraries to your Arduino IDE and create a web socket server on Feather HUZZAH ESP8266:
- After downloading the ZIP file, extract it to your hard drive. You will get a folder named
. - Inside the
folder, you can find a folder namedlibraries
. - Copy the following folders inside the
folder to your Arduino IDE'slibraries
folder:- ArduCAM
- ESP8266...