As with Chapter 1, this chapter is rich in reference content that you will need to engage with from time to time. You saw that Final Cut Pro’s unique set of tools ensures that media remains well organized, with all of it being stored within a library and then in events, favorites, Keyword Collections, and Smart Collections. You saw how to create templates to ease the setup of future edits, along with searching routines and ways to sort media in a browser. There was information about how and why to transcode media for ease of editing. We discussed options on how the view of the browser can be adjusted to suit your needs. You saw how Final Cut Pro allows you to become very detailed in how you categorize clips and the rating of those selections. You will have realized that it is useful to spend time sorting when working on longer and more complex projects, but for shorter videos, you should let your instincts prevail and start editing as quickly as possible.
We explained...