Outputting a digital PDF
Outputting a print-ready PDF, as we did in the previous recipe, is great for handing off the file to a professional printer. The problem is it will normally result in a large file size, which is not going to be practical if the intended audience is downloading the document to view it on screen devices.
In this recipe, we will look at outputting a version of the PDF specifically for use on screen devices, focusing on outputting a smaller file size with an RGB color mode for a wider range of colors that can be viewed on screens.
Getting ready
In order to complete this recipe, simply open InDesign on your system and create a new document with 12 pages, as shown in the Creating a new document recipe in Chapter 1.
Step 1 requires you to be comfortable with creating a preflight profile and reviewing errors, as detailed in the Creating a custom preflight profile and Reviewing and identifying preflight warnings recipes.
If you wish to output your document...