12.3 Hermitian matrices again
Recall that in section 5.4.1, we defined a square n-by-n complex matrix A on a vector space V to be Hermitian if A = A†: A is equal to its conjugate transpose and is self-adjoint. For the inner product ⟨,⟩,

for all vectors v1 and v2 in V. We now need some additional properties of Hermitian matrices for the consideration of NISQ algorithms. matrix$Hermitian matrix$self-adjoint
It follows from the definition of a Hermitian matrix that:
- The diagonal elements of A are real.
- If c is a real number, cA is Hermitian.
- The eigenvalues λj of A are real. Some eigenvalues may appear more than once.
- The eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are orthogonal.
- By the Spectral Theorem in section 5.10, we can find {u1, …, un} orthonormal eigenvectors of V with corresponding eigenvalues {λ1, …, λn}. Many proofs regarding...