Understanding ASA SQL
The main processing in your ASA job will be done using SQL to implement the analytical rules you want to apply to your incoming data.
Compared to data warehouse batch-oriented processing, stream processing observes a constantly delivered chain of events. The processing, therefore, will need different approaches as you will, for example, aggregate values over a certain recurring time frame. This is called windowing. The ASA SQL dialect implements a collection of windowing functions that will support you in doing this.
But before we dive into the magic of windowing functions and ASA, let's first finish our basic ASA job and kick it:
- Please select Query from either the navigation blade or the Overview blade and select Edit query:
Figure 8.4 – ASA query editor
- In the editor, please enter your ASA query. Please replace the displayed query with the following:
SELECT Â Â Â *Â INTO Â Â Â Â airdelaystreamingtarget...