Disaster Recovery Plan
A Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) is a set of documented processes to recover and protect a business’ IT infrastructure in the event of a disaster. It involves various plans for action to be taken before, during, and after a disaster.
A DRP is like insurance; you will only realize its importance when a disaster actually occurs.
The BCP versus the DRP
A CISA aspirant should be able to understand the difference between a BCP and a DRP. The objective of the BCP is to keep business operations functioning either from an alternate location or by means of alternative tools and processes. On the other hand, the DRP’s objective is to restore normal business operations and advance the recovery from a disaster. The BCP is the overall architecture for business continuity, whereas the DRP is regarded as a technological aspect of the BCP with more focus on IT systems and operations.
Relationship between the DRP and the BIA
The first step in preparing...