Looking at the essential Crosh commands for systems administration
Once you’ve launched Crosh, you’ll be presented with a black screen and a command prompt reminiscent of the Linux terminal. If you’re new to coding or the command line, this can be a bit intimidating, but don’t worry – with the commands we’ll cover in the section, you’ll be Croshing it in no time (dad joke achieved)!
Pro tip
As an alternative to running Crosh from the browser, you can also download the Crosh Window app from the Chrome web store: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/crosh-window/nhbmpbdladcchdhkemlojfjdknjadhmh?hl=en-US.
When you don’t know what to do next, the best thing you can do is ask for help. It’s true in life and also at the command line. In the Crosh command prompt, you can use the help command to display a short list of commonly used commands, along with their descriptions, as seen in Figure 8.2: