Project phases
Project phases are best described as logically related activities that produce one or multiple deliverables. Deliverables can be documentation or parts of the product, service, or result. There are a variety of labels we can use to measure, all of which are unique. These may be considered attributes, meaning anything you can attribute to the categories or labels. The following isn't an exhaustive list, and you may have your own names for the attributes of project phases:
- Name (Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III)
- The number of phases (this project is expected to have six phases)
- Duration (each phase may have a set duration or expected duration)
- Resource requirements (people, equipment, materials, and location)
- Entrance criteria (for entrance into the first or next phase)
- Exit criteria (completed deliverables, formal sign-off, and cohesive documents that have been completed)
Think about the phases you may have for your current projects...