In this chapter, you learned about a few of the AWS AI services that can be used to solve various problems. You used the Amazon Rekognition service, which detects objects and faces (including celebrity faces), and can also extract text from images. For text to speech, you used Amazon Polly, while for speech to text, you used Amazon Transcribe. Toward the end of this chapter, you built a chatbot in Amazon Lex and learned the usage and benefits of Amazon Forecast.
For language detection and translation in an image, you used Amazon Rekognition, Amazon Comprehend, and Amazon Translate. You learned how to combine all of them into one Lambda function to solve our problem.
For the certification exam, you do not need to remember all the APIs you used in this chapter. There may be questions on a few of the best practices that you learned or on the names of services that solve a specific problem. It is always good to practice using these AWS AI services as it will enhance your...