In this chapter, we made a group and project to hold our code and other related components and made issues to plan and track our work. Then, we cloned the project’s repository to a local workstation so that we could write code using our favorite desktop tools. Then, we made a branch to commit our work to and an MR for that branch, linked it to an associated issue, and committed and pushed code for a new software feature. We set up a bare-bones CI/CD pipeline to which we can add a variety of tasks and registered specific runners for the project’s pipeline. We added automated unit tests to the pipeline to make sure the code satisfies its design specifications, as well as Code Quality scanning, and registered a special runner just for that scanner. We also added a fuzz test to the pipeline to find bugs in critical functions, and SAST to the pipeline to find security vulnerabilities in our code. We added Secret Detection to the pipeline to find any secrets that were...