Alfresco is a Content Management System ready for your Enterprise. You can store and manage your contents in a logical collection named Spaces. In your desktop, you store your files and documents in folders. In other words, folders or directories help you organize your files. Similarly, in Alfresco also, you store and systematize your contents in various folders. In addition to storing contents, spaces in Alfresco can execute scripts and actions as well. We will explore this in greater detail in Chapter 4.
As your document management system, Alfresco enables you to upload documents, set the details of your documents, tag or classify your documents, and manage the versions of the documents.
In this chapter, you will learn how to use the Alfresco Explorer application to create and organize your contents using spaces, as well as how to upload and manage the details of the documents.
Content metadata
Metadata is "data about data". Content metadata is the details or information about...