We’ve covered a lot in this chapter. We started with a discussion of the requirements for AI PMs entering the space from a theoretical and practical perspective, as well as a look into where the AI PM space can be better served by newcomers. We also looked at strategies and tools you can put in place to help you stay supported and inspired. We briefly looked at the major areas of AI that you could get involved in once you are ready to dip your feet in and concluded with a real-life case study to ground these ideas further.
Remember that this is just the first chapter in our discussion on the AI PM career path and we will be building on these ideas further in Chapters 18 and 19. We’ve only scratched the surface of this challenging and rewarding career path that’s still very much figuring itself out. AI and tech are here to stay. Even with market fluctuations and periods of uncertainty, we can be sure that our internal operations, ways of doing business...