Developers behind the CodeInterview.io and RemoteInterview.io websites have come up with Zero, a web framework to simplify modern web development. Zero takes the overhead of the usual project configuration for routing, bundling, and transpiling to make it easier to get started.
Zero applications consist of static and code files. Static files are all non-code files like images, documents, media files, etc. Code files are parsed, bundled, and served by a particular builder for that file type. Zero supports Node.js, React, HTML, Markdown/MDX.
Zero eliminates the need for any configuration files in your project folder. Developers will just have to place their code and it will be automatically compiled, bundled, and served.
The routing will be based on the file system, for example, if your code is placed in ‘./api/login.js’, it will be exposed at ‘http://domain.com/api/login’.
Dependencies are automatically installed and resolved. To install a specific version of a package, developers just have to create their own package.json.
Zero supports code written in multiple languages. So, with Zero, you can do things like exposing your TensorFlow model as a Python API, writing user login code in Node.js, all under a single project folder.
Zero isolate endpoints from each other by running them in their own process. This will ensure that if one endpoint crashes there is no effect on any other component of the application. For instance, if /api/login crashes, there will be no effect on /chatroom page or /api/chat API. It will also automatically restart the crashed endpoints when the next user visits them.
To know more about the Zero server, check out its official website.
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