In this Article by Claudio Scolastici, author of the book Unity 2D Game Development Cookbook. we will cover the following recipes:
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Now that we have imported the necessary graphic assets for a prototype, we can approach its actual building in Unity, starting by making an animation set for our character.
Unity implements an easy-to-approach animation system, though quite powerful, called Mecanim. Mecanim" is a proprietary tool of Unity in which the animation clips belonging to a character are represented as boxes connected by directional arrows. Boxes represent states, which you can simply think of as idle, walk, get the idea.
Arrows, on" the other hand, represent the transitions between the states, which are responsible for actually blending between one animation clip and the next. Thanks to transitions, we can make characters that pass smoothly, for example, from a walking animation into a running one.
The control of transitions is achieved" through parameters: variables belonging to different types that are stored in the character animator and are used to define and check the conditions that trigger an animation clip. The types available are common in programming and scripting languages: int, float, and bool. A distinctive type implemented in" Mecanim is the trigger, which is useful when you want a transition to be triggered as an all-or-nothing event. By the way, an animator is a built-in component of Unity, strictly connected with the Mecanim system, which is represented as a panel in the Unity interface. Inside this panel, the so-called animation tree of a character is actually built-up and the control parameters for the transitions are set and linked to the clips.
Time for an image to help you better understand what we are talking about! The following picture shows an example of an animator of a "standard game character:
As you can see, there are four states connected by transitions that configure the logic of the flow between one state and another. Inside these arrows, the parameters and their reference values to actually trigger the animations are stored.
With Mecanim, it's quite easy to build the animation tree of a character and create the "logic that determines the conditions for the animations to be played. One example is to "use a float variable to blend between a walking and a running cycle, having the speed "of the character as the control parameter. Using a trigger or a boolean variable to add "a jumping animation to the character is another fairly common example. These are the subjects of our following two recipes, starting with trigger-based blending.
In this recipe, we show you how to add animation clips to the animator component of a game object (our game character). This being done, we will be able to set the transitions between the clips and create the logic for the animations to be correctly played.
First of all, we need a set of "animation clips, imported in Unity and configured in Inspector.
Before we proceed, be sure you have these four animation clips imported into your Unity project as FBX files: Char@Idle, Char@Run, Char@Jump, and Char@Walk.
The first operation is to create a folder to store the Animator Controller.
By dragging" animation clips from the project panel into the Animator editor, Mecanim creates a logic state for each of them. As states, the clips are available to connect through transitions and the animation tree of the character can come to life.
With the Idle and Jump animations added to the Animator window, we can define the logic to control the conditions to switch between them.
In the following recipe, we "create the transition to blend between these two animation clips.
In this recipe, we create and set up the "transition for the character to switch between the Idle and Jump animation clips. For this task, we also need a parameter, which we will call bJump, to trigger the jump animation through code.
We will build on the previous recipe. Have the Animator window open, and be ready to follow our instructions.
The following screenshot highlights these options we just mentioned:
We made our first "transition with Mecanim and used a boolean variable called bJump to control it. It is now possible to link bJump to an event, for example, pressing the spacebar "to trigger the Jump animation clip.
There was a time when building games was a cumbersome and almost exclusive activity, as you needed to program your own game engine, or pay a good amount of money to license one.
Thanks to Unity, creating video games today is still a cumbersome activity, though less exclusive and expensive!
With this article, we aim to provide you with a detailed guide to approach the development of an actual 2D game with Unity. As it is a complex process that requires several operations to be performed, we will do our best to support you at every step by providing all the relevant information to help you successfully make games with Unity.
Further resources on this subject: