Creating a Webmin user
The simplest way to grant someone access to Webmin is to create a Webmin user account for him/her. You can regulate which IPs the user will be allowed to log in from and even at what times during the week the access will be open. During account creation, you can specify what modules the user will have access to or which group he/she will belong to.
In this recipe, we will create a new user with access to only one module.
Getting ready
We will create a new user account with a single-use password, which the user will have to change after the first login. In order to use this one-time password, we need to enable a feature in Webmin. Perform the following steps to set the password expiry policy:
Go to Webmin | Webmin Configuration | Authentication.
Set the Password expiry policy option to Prompt users with expired passwords to enter a new one.
Webmin's server process will restart; wait for a few seconds before continuing.
How to do it...
Perform the following steps to create a...