Informing about file transfers by a progress bar
We will implement file uploading in this recipe. The application will notify the user about the progress and will also display messages when the user starts uploading the file and when the upload has finished.
In this recipe, we first choose a file for upload. We click on the Upload button and then the file is going to be stored on the server.

How to do itβ¦
Carry out the following steps:
The key part of the upload mechanism is the receiver. The receiver will implement more than the
interface. We want to be notified about the progress, so we also implementProgressListener
. Then we want to be notified when the upload starts and ends, so we implement another two interfaces,StartedListener
.class UploadReceiver implements Receiver, ProgressListener, StartedListener, FinishedListener
We need access to the progress indicator from the upload receiver. So we make a reference from
by creating...