Chapter 6: Planning and Estimating with Scrum
In the previous chapters, we examined the fundamental concepts and components of Scrum and obtained precious knowledge about them. Although this knowledge is essential, it is not enough to successfully deliver a software project. This is not a weakness on Scrum's part. It is simply that, as we have mentioned in previous chapters, Scrum is a framework, not a process or methodology. Scrum sets rules, responsibilities, and guidelines about how to develop software but doesn't dictate which methods or techniques to use.
Scrum Teams use different methodologies and processes for software development, and some of them have become de facto standards in Scrum. In this chapter, we will examine two fundamental concepts about software project management and how we can implement them in a Scrum-compatible manner. These concepts are estimating and planning. These are inextricably linked to one another; you can't plan without estimating...