Enabling cross-origin access for microservices
Browsers are generally restricted when client-side web applications running from one origin request data from another origin. Enabling cross-origin access is generally termed as CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

This example shows how to enable cross-origin requests. With microservices, as each service runs with its own origin, it will easily get into the issue of a client-side web application consuming data from multiple origins. For instance, a scenario where a browser client accessing Customer from the Customer microservice and Order History from the Order microservices is very common in the microservices world.
Spring Boot provides a simple declarative approach to enabling cross-origin requests. The following example shows how to enable a microservice to enable cross-origin requests:
@RestController class GreetingController{ @CrossOrigin @RequestMapping("/") Greet greet(){ return new Greet("Hello World!"); } }
By default, all...