Data loading using the Redshift Data API
The Amazon Redshift Data API is a built-in native API interface to access your Amazon Redshift database without configuring any Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) or Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers. You can ingest or query data with a simple API endpoint without managing a persistent connection. The Data API provides a secure way to access your database by using either IAM temporary credentials or AWS Secrets Manager. It provides a secure HTTP endpoint to run SQL statements asynchronously, meaning you can retrieve your results later. By default, your query results are stored for 24 hours. The Redshift Data API integrates seamlessly with different AWS SDKs, such as Python, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, and C++. You can also integrate the API with AWS Glue for an ETL data pipeline or use it with AWS Lambda to invoke different SQL statements.
There are many use cases where you can utilize the Redshift Data API, such as ETL orchestration...