- Action methods, Apache Spark
- reduce(f) / Transforms and Actions
- collect / Transforms and Actions
- count / Transforms and Actions
- first / Transforms and Actions
- take(n) / Transforms and Actions
- takeSample / Transforms and Actions
- saveAsTextFile / Transforms and Actions
- countByKey / Transforms and Actions
- foreach / Transforms and Actions
- activation function
- about / The activation function
- actor ! PoisonPill method / The master Actor
- Actor model
- about / The Actor model
- components / The Actor model
- Actors
- about / Scalability, Scalability with Actors
- Actor model / The Actor model
- partitioning / Partitioning
- reactive programming / Beyond actors – reactive programming
- actorSystem.shutdown method / The master Actor
- adaptive model
- about / Model categorization
- aggregation effect
- about / Tuning the number of clusters
- Akka
- about / Akka
- URL, for downloading / Akka
- master-workers / Master-workers
- futures / Futures