Chapter 5: Displaying Content in the Browser
While it is useful in some situations to just have the to do item API endpoints that we defined in the previous chapter, it is not useful for a user if this is all we have. While we can utilize frontend frameworks such as React, Vue, and Angular, these can be overkill for simple applications. With our app, we can directly serve HTML, JavaScript, and CSS from our server to the user.
In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:
- Serving HTML data using Rust
- Serving HTML files using Rust
- Injecting JavaScript files into views
- Injecting CSS files into views
- Creating a base CSS that can be inherited by multiple views
- Creating frontend components that can be injected into multiple views
By the end of this chapter, we will have created a single page that will render our to-do items. These items will have their own edit and delete buttons that will utilize JavaScript to make API calls to our server...