Let's try to launch the robot simulation from one PC and control the robots with a teleop on another PC. We shall use the same robot we set up in the Example – multi-robot spawn using groups/namespaces section. Assuming there is no change in the preceding setup, let's run the multi-robot launch on one PC:
- In pc1, run the following commands:
$ initros1
$ roslaunch robot_description robotbase_simulation.launch
- Then, start the master_discovery node in another Terminal:
$ initros1
$ source devel_isolated/setup.bash
$ rosrun fkie_master_discovery master_discovery _mcast_group:=
- In another Terminal, start the master_sync node to synchronize all of the topics:
$ initros1
$ source devel_isolated/setup.bash
$ rosrun fkie_master_sync master_sync
Now, run the necessary commands in pc2. In pc2, assuming you have started roscore in one Terminal...