Assembling a robot chassis
The chassis is the base of our robot. We have cut the required part, preparing it for use. In this section, we’ll attach the caster battery box, and motors.
Attaching the caster and battery box
The battery box is assembled above the caster. Therefore, we must start with the caster; the following figure shows how:
Figure 4.8 – Attaching the caster ball to the chassis
The preceding figure shows me attaching the ball caster to the chassis. Let us take a look at this in more detail:
- The large inset at the bottom left shows a cross-section of how this will turn out. Note that the nylon screw must go through the bottom of the ball caster housing, through the chassis plate, and then an upper securing nut.
- The top-left figure shows the parts for this assembly. We have the ball caster housing (with the ball separated), 2 x M2 long nylon screws, and 2 x M2 nuts. Also, prepare a suitable screwdriver, spanner,...