This chapter introduced us to Raspberry Pi and MQTT. We started with a brief introduction about MQTT.
Next, we covered the Raspberry Pi, the main hardware we will be using throughout this book. We started by covering the hardware specifications and some popular operating systems available for the Pi. Then we set up our Raspberry Pi to work as a local MQTT broker. To do that, we set up the SD card we will be using for our Pi by formatting it and then flashing the latest version of Raspberry Pi onto it. After that, we did the essential steps to set up our Raspberry Pi for the very first time. Next, we installed the packages that let us use our Pi as an MQTT broker as well as an MQTT client. Finally, we tested the functionality of our Pi as a local MQTT broker.
In the next chapter, we will dive deeper into the different clients we can use with our broker. We will set up an MQTT client on our main computer to understand how MQTT actually works.