Using a rule to get rid of the duplicated file tasks
To get rid of duplicated file tasks, there is a special rake task called rule
. This is a general rake task, but it has one peculiarity. It allows us to define a mask for a task rather than the exact name. We will postpone the whole explanation of this, and for now, we will only see how to do this with the rule
method. The following is our fixed Rakefile
with a rule
require_relative 'blog_generator' articles ='**/*.md', '**/*.markdown') do |files| files.exclude('~*') files.exclude(/^temp.+\//) files.exclude do |file| end end task :default => 'blog.html' rule '.html' => '.md' do |t| sh "pandoc -s #{t.source} -o #{}" end rule '.html' => '.markdown' do |t| sh "pandoc -s #{t.source} -o #{}" end FileUtils.rm('blog.html', force: true) file 'blog.html' => articles.ext('.html...