- Access Control List (ACL)
- about / The execution of file inclusion attacks
- Access Control Lists (ACL)
- about / The Scapy library for Python
- Access Points (AP)
- about / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- accounts, and services
- linkage, finding / Understanding the link between accounts and services
- ACK flag scanning / ACK flag scanning
- ACK scans
- executing / Executing ACK scans
- Active Directory (AD) / Defining the online credential attack
- active sniffing / Active sniffing
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
- about / Understanding how systems communicate
- Address Space Layer Randomization (ASLR)
- about / Understanding protection mechanisms
- admin console page
- URL / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) / Veil
- alternative sites
- identifying, by spoofing user agents / Identifying alternative sites by spoofing user agents, How it works…
- American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN) / Intelligence gathering
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
- about / Understanding basic buffer overflow
- AP
- clients, detecting / Detecting clients of an AP
- Apache / Introducing information gathering
- Application Program Interfaces (APIs) / Creating a multiprocessing script in Python
- Application Programming Interface (API)
- about / Gathering information using the Shodan API
- approaches, pen testing
- black-box pen testing / Approaches to pentesting
- white-box pen testing / Approaches to pentesting
- gray-box pen testing / Approaches to pentesting
- arguments
- about / Arguments and options
- arithmetic operators
- about / Arithmetic operators
- about / Introducing ARP spoofing and implementing it using Python
- request / The ARP request
- reply / The ARP reply
- cache / The ARP cache
- ARP cache
- about / The ARP cache
- ARP reply
- about / The ARP reply
- ARP request
- about / The ARP request
- ARP spoofing
- about / Introducing ARP spoofing and implementing it using Python
- implementing, with Python / Introducing ARP spoofing and implementing it using Python
- ASP.NET / Checking the HTTP header
- assessment methodologies
- about / Assessment methodologies
- Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) / Assessment methodologies
- Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) / Assessment methodologies
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) / Assessment methodologies
- assessor script
- about / Your first assessor script
- reference link / Your first assessor script
- assignment operators
- about / Assignment operators
- Atbash cipher
- cracking / Cracking the Atbash cipher, How it works…
- attack path
- identifying / Identifying the attack path
- automated fuzzing
- about / Automated fuzzing, How to do it…, How it works…
- automated URL-based Cross-site scripting / Automated URL-based Cross-site scripting, How it works…, Automated parameter-based Cross-site scripting, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- automated URL-based Directory Traversal / Automated URL-based Directory Traversal, How it works…
- automatic pivot
- reference link / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- backdoors
- reference link / Exploiting the hosts through RFI
- backup filenames
- determining / Determining the backup filenames
- backup files
- downloading, from TFTP server / Downloading backup files from a TFTP server
- Base64 encoding
- about / Encoding with Base64, How it works…
- basic buffer overflow
- about / Understanding basic buffer overflow
- basic buffer overflow exploit
- writing / Writing a basic buffer overflow exploit
- Basic Service Set (BSS)
- about / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- Basic Service Set Identifiers (BSSIDs)
- about / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- Bcrypt hash
- generating / Generating a Bcrypt hash, How to do it…, How it works…
- about / Generating a Bcrypt hash
- BeautifulSoup
- URL / Information gathering of a website from SmartWhois by the parser BeautifulSoup
- BeautifulSoup library / There’s more…
- BeautifulSoup parser
- used, for website information gathering from SmartWhois / Information gathering of a website from SmartWhois by the parser BeautifulSoup
- black-box pen testing / Approaches to pentesting
- blind SQL Injection
- exploiting / Exploiting Blind SQL Injection, How it works…
- blind SQL injection / Blind SQL injection
- Boolean SQLi
- exploiting / Exploiting Boolean SQLi, How it works…, There's more…
- Bourne-again Shell (BASH)
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- break condition
- about / The break condition
- brute forcing login
- through authorization header / Brute forcing login through the Authorization header, How it works…, There's more…
- built-in functions
- about / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- reference link / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Burp Suite / Burp Suite
- URL / Credential attacks with Burp Suite
- inboxes, cracking with / Cracking inboxes with Burp Suite
- about / The MAC flooding attack
- CAM tables
- switches, using / How the switch uses the CAM tables
- Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges / Encoding with ROT13
- Centrify
- about / Understanding the link between accounts and services
- Cewl / Cewl
- chaining, of exploits
- about / Understanding the chaining of exploits
- checking for weak, default, or known passwords / Checking for weak, default, or known passwords
- root access, gaining to system / Gaining root access to the system
- cracking, of Linux hashes / Understanding the cracking of Linux hashes
- testing, for synchronization of account credentials / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- Cisco MD5 Hashes
- cracking / Cracking Cisco MD5 hashes
- classes
- about / Classes
- Classes Inter Domain Routing (CIDR) / Automating the exploit train with Python
- Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR)
- about / Determining the backup filenames
- Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
- about / Inputting the target ranges for Nmap
- clear-text protocols
- about / Clear-text protocols
- clickjacking
- about / Testing for clickjacking vulnerabilities
- clickjacking vulnerabilities
- testing for / Testing for clickjacking vulnerabilities, How to do it…, How it works…
- client-side parameter, by Python
- tampering / Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python
- client-side parameter tampering
- effects, on business / Effects of parameter tampering on business
- client-side validation
- about / Introducing client-side validation
- clients, AP
- detecting / Detecting clients of an AP
- client socket methods
- about / Client socket methods
- socket.connect(address) / Client socket methods
- code
- commenting / How to comment your code
- combined UDP and TCP scans
- executing / Executing combined UDP and TCP scans
- command
- enabling, steganography used / Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…
- Command-line Injection (CLI)
- about / Gaining access through websites
- Command-line Interface (CLI)
- about / Converting string and number variables
- Command-line interface (CLI)
- about / Inputting the target ranges for Nmap
- Command Line Interface (CLI) / Veil
- comma separated variables (CSV) / Introduction
- Nmap XML, converting to / Converting Nmap XML to CSV, Getting ready, How it works…
- Sslscan, parsing / Parsing Sslscan into CSV, How it works…
- comment
- about / How to comment your code
- comments
- searching, in source code / Finding comments in source code, How it works…, There's more…
- common transfer files (CTFs) / Shellshock checking
- Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) / How it works…
- Compact Disk (CD) / Ophcrack
- comparison operators
- about / Comparison operators
- compiled languages
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- compound statements
- about / Compound statements
- if statements / The if statements
- conditional handlers
- about / Conditional handlers
- constructors
- about / Understanding default values and constructors
- Content Delivery Networks (CDN)
- about / Identifying live applications versus open ports, Web applications
- control
- enabling, steganography used / Enabling command and control using steganography, How to do it…, How it works…
- credential attack
- types / The types of credential attacks
- credential attack, types
- online credential attack / Defining the online credential attack
- offline credential attack / Defining the offline credential attack
- credential attacks, with Burp Suite / Credential attacks with Burp Suite
- Cross-site scripting (XSS) / Introduction
- Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
- about / Credential attacks with Burp Suite
- Cross Site Tracing (XST) / Testing HTTP methods
- Crystal Box testing / White Box Testing
- custom packet crafting
- used, for testing security system / Testing the security system using custom packet crafting and injection
- CVE-2010-1146
- about / Gaining root access to the system
- CVE Details
- URL / Gaining root access to the system
- Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) / How to do it…
- Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA)
- about / Identifying hidden files and directories with Python
- data
- extracting, through HTTP requests / Extracting data through HTTP requests, How to do it…, How it works…
- Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) / Threat modeling
- Data Execution Prevention (DEP)
- about / Understanding protection mechanisms
- data structures
- about / Python variables
- DDoS
- about / Introducing DoS and DDoS
- single IP, using with single port address / Single IP single port
- single IP, using with multiple ports / Single IP multiple port
- multiple IP, using with multiple ports / Multiple IP multiple port
- deauthentication (deauth) attacks
- about / The deauthentication (deauth) attacks
- default values
- about / Understanding default values and constructors
- del() function / How to create an efficient port scanner
- Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
- about / User Datagram Protocol (UDP) services
- Denial of Service (DoS)
- about / Executing SYN scans, Understanding basic buffer overflow
- Denial of Service (DoS) attack / Defining the scope of pentesting
- destructive test / Defining the scope of pentesting
- dictionary variables
- about / Dictionary variables
- Direct Object Reference (DOR) / Automated URL-based Directory Traversal
- script
- reference link / Identifying hidden files and directories with Python
- Distribution System (DS)
- about / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- Domain Administrator (DA)
- about / Understanding the new age of service exploitation
- Domain Name Service (DNS)
- about / Domain Name Service (DNS), Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- DoS
- about / Introducing DoS and DDoS
- single IP, using with single port address / Single IP single port
- single IP, using with multiple ports / Single IP multiple port
- multiple IP, using with multiple ports / Multiple IP multiple port
- detecting / Detection of DDoS
- Double Blind tests / Double Blind Testing
- dynamically typed languages
- about / Understanding dynamically typed languages
- Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) / Understanding the stack and the heap
- dynamic typed languages
- impact on functions / The impact of dynamically typed languages on functions on functions
- e-mail addresses
- generating, from names / Generating e-mail addresses from names, How to do it…
- searching, from web pages / Finding e-mail addresses from web pages, How it works…, There's more…
- e-mails
- extracting, to Maltego / Extracting e-mails to Maltego, How it works…
- elements
- about / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- encrypted remote access services
- about / Encrypted remote access services
- endianness
- about / Understanding memory addresses and endianness
- Engagement Letter (EL) / Pre-engagement interactions
- Enterprise Service Set (ESS)
- about / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- Enterprise SSID (ESSID)
- about / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- environmental variables
- about / Environmental variables and PATH
- references / Environmental variables and PATH
- ephemeral port range
- about / Understanding how systems communicate
- errors
- identifying / Developing scripts and identifying errors
- escalate
- about / Gaining root access to the system
- Ethernet frame architecture
- about / The Ethernet frame architecture
- layer 2 in Ethernet networks / Layer 2 in Ethernet networks
- layer 2 in wireless networks / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- etree library
- about / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- reference link / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- Excel spreadsheets
- generating, with Python script / Creating a Python script to generate Excel spreadsheets
- exploitation
- about / Understanding the new age of service exploitation
- exploit scripts
- about / Understanding other exploit scripts
- standalones, exploiting by execution / Exploiting standalone binaries by executing scripts
- systems, exploiting by TCP service / Exploiting systems by TCP service
- systems, exploiting by UDP service / Exploiting systems by UDP service
- exploit train
- automating, with Python / Automating the exploit train with Python
- expoloit-db
- reference link / Gaining root access to the system
- extended attributes (xattr)
- about / Gaining root access to the system
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML) / Automating the exploit train with Python
- EyeWitness
- about / Identifying live applications versus open ports
- fgdump / pwdump and fgdump
- file inclusion attacks
- executing / The execution of file inclusion attacks, Verifying an RFI vulnerability
- files
- enumerating / Enumerating files, How to do it…, How it works…
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- about / Understanding how systems communicate, Clear-text protocols
- FIN scan / The FIN scan
- firewall-based website
- Python program, creating / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- foot printing
- web server / The concept of foot printing of a web server
- for loop
- about / The for loop
- break condition / The break condition
- format characters / Format characters
- FTP C2
- creating / Creating an FTP C2, How it works…
- Full Disk Encryption (FDE) / Ophcrack
- fully qualified domain name (FQDN) / Useful socket methods
- Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
- about / Your first assessor script
- Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN)
- about / Domain Name Service (DNS)
- functions
- about / Functions, Functions
- curly brackets / Curly brackets
- funkandwagnalls/pythonpentest, GitHub
- URL / Automating the exploit train with Python
- FuzzDB
- URL / Getting ready
- fuzzing
- about / Automated fuzzing
- general purpose registers
- about / Understanding general purpose registers
- EAX / The EAX
- EBX / The EBX
- ECX / The ECX
- EDX / The EDX
- general socket methods
- socket.recv(bufsize) / General socket methods
- socket.recvfrom(bufsize) / General socket methods
- socket.recv_into(buffer) / General socket methods
- socket.recvfrom_into(buffer) / General socket methods
- socket.send(bytes) / General socket methods
- socket.sendto(data, address) / General socket methods
- socket.sendall(data) / General socket methods
- GETmethod / Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python, Effects of parameter tampering on business
- gevent
- reference link / Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
- about / Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- URL / Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) / Gaining root access to the system
- global variables
- about / Global and local variables
- Google+ API
- used, for downloading profile pictures / Downloading profile pictures using the Google+ API, How it works
- additional results, harvesting using pagination / How it works
- Google+ API search
- scripting / Scripting a Google+ API search, How it works…, See also…
- Google+ pagination API
- additional results, harvesting using pagination / Harvesting additional results from the Google+ API using pagination
- Google Hacking Database (GHDB) / Intelligence gathering
- Graphical User Interface (GUI) / Metasploit, Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) / oclHashcat
- graphs
- generating, used / Generating graphs using, How it works…
- gray-box pen testing / Approaches to pentesting
- Grey Box format / Grey Box Testing
- HackThisSite
- URL / Information gathering of a website from SmartWhois by the parser BeautifulSoup
- HackTop
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- half open scan (stealth scan) / A half-open scan
- steps / A half-open scan
- about / A half-open scan
- Hardware Access Layer (HAL)
- about / Kernel
- hashes
- identifying / Identifying hashes, How it works…
- header based Cross-site scripting
- about / Header-based Cross-site scripting, How it works…, See also
- heterogeneous environment
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- hidden files, and directories
- identifying, with Python / Identifying hidden files and directories with Python
- Hide_message function
- about / How it works…
- carrier parameter / How it works…
- message parameter / How it works…
- outfile parameter / How it works…
- Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS)
- about / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- Host Intrusion Prevention Systems (HIPS)
- about / Understanding the process environment block
- hosts
- exploiting, through RFI / Exploiting the hosts through RFI
- HPing
- about / Understanding Nmap
- Hping / A half-open scan
- HTTP banner grabbing
- of website / Banner grabbing of a website
- creating / Creating an HTTP C2, Getting Started, How it works…
- HTTP header
- checking / Checking the HTTP header
- HTTP headers
- servers, fingerprinting through / Fingerprinting servers through HTTP headers, How it works…, There's more…
- httplib2 library / Understanding when to use specific libraries
- httplib2 script
- reference link / Understanding when to use specific libraries
- HTTP methods
- testing / Testing HTTP methods, How it works…, There's more…
- HTTP requests
- data, extracting through / Extracting data through HTTP requests, How to do it…, How it works…
- HTTP RFC handy
- URL / Introduction
- Hydra / Hydra
- Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)
- about / The execution of file inclusion attacks
- HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
- about / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- ICMP ECHO Reply / How to check live systems in a network and the concept of a live system
- ICMP ECHO Request / How to check live systems in a network and the concept of a live system
- if statements
- about / The if statements
- IIS 6.0 / Checking the HTTP header
- Imgur
- URL / Getting ready
- Immunity
- about / Understanding immunity
- imports
- about / Modules and imports
- inboxes
- cracking, with Burp Suite / Cracking inboxes with Burp Suite
- Incident Response (IR)
- about / Executing TCP full connection scans
- Incognito / Mimikatz and Incognito
- indentation
- about / Indentation
- Industrial Control Systems (ICS)
- about / The Scapy library for Python
- industry-standard tools
- building / Building industry-standard tools
- information
- obtaining, Shodan API used / Getting ready, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- information gathering
- about / Introducing information gathering
- HTTP header, checking / Checking the HTTP header
- Information Technology (IT)
- about / Executing the different scan types
- injection
- used, for testing security system / Testing the security system using custom packet crafting and injection
- Input/Output (I/O) / Creating a multiprocessing script in Python
- insecure cookie flags
- testing for / Testing for insecure cookie flags, How it works…, There's more…
- insecure headers
- testing for / Testing for insecure headers, How it works…
- instance names
- about / Variables and instance names
- interactive interpreter
- versus script / A Python interactive interpreter versus a script
- interface details
- determining, with netifaces library / Determining your interface details with the netifaces library
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
- about / Understanding how systems communicate, Verifying an RFI vulnerability
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packet / Performing a ping sweep with Scapy
- Internet Protocol (IP) / Pre-engagement interactions
- about / Identifying live applications versus open ports, Domain Name Service (DNS), Understanding how to parse XML files for reports, Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) / Creating a Python script to parse an Nmap XML
- Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)
- about / Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- about / Executing the different scan types, Executing TCP full connection scans
- Internet Service Providers (ISP)
- about / Domain Name Service (DNS)
- interpreted code
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- interpreted language
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- intruder attacks
- reference link / Credential attacks with Burp Suite
- Intrusion Detection System (IDS) / The FIN scan, Enabling command and control using steganography
- Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) / An overview of penetration testing
- Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) / Metasploit
- Intrusion Protection Systems (IPS) / An overview of penetration testing
- IP Packet architecture
- about / The IP packet architecture
- IP scanner
- creating / How to create an efficient IP scanner
- IP version 6 (IPv6) / Creating a Python script to parse an Nmap XML
- jitter
- checking / Checking jitter, How to do it…, How it works…
- about / Checking jitter
- John the Ripper (JtR)
- about / John the Ripper
- used, for cracking Windows passwords / Cracking Windows passwords with John
- jQuery checking
- about / jQuery checking, How it works…, There's more…
- Juggyboy
- URL / Checking the HTTP header
- 10k common passwords, GitHub
- reference / Getting ready
- kernel
- about / Kernel
- keywords
- about / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- reference link / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- For / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Def / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- If / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Elif / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Import / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Print / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Try / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Korn Shell (KSH)
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- Last In First Out (LIFO) structure / Understanding the stack and the heap
- least significant bit (LSB)
- about / Introduction
- libnmap
- about / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- reference link / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) / Pre-engagement interactions
- linear congruential generator
- predicting / Predicting a linear congruential generator , Getting ready, How it works…
- links
- extracting, from URL to Maltego / Extracting links from a URL to Maltego, How it works…
- list variables
- about / List variables
- live applications, versus open ports
- identifying / Identifying live applications versus open ports
- live system
- checking, in network / How to check live systems in a network and the concept of a live system
- ping sweep / Ping sweep
- IP scanner, creating / How to create an efficient IP scanner
- Local Area Network (LAN) / Cracking Windows passwords with John
- Local Area Network Manager (LM)
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output, Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- local exploits
- purpose / Understanding the purpose of local exploits
- Local Link Multicast Name Request (LLMNR) / Responder
- local variables
- about / Global and local variables
- logger library
- about / Understanding logging within Python
- reference link / Understanding logging within Python
- logging
- within Python / Understanding logging within Python
- logical operators
- about / Logical and membership operators
- loopback interfaces
- reference link, for testing / The Scapy library for Python
- loops
- about / Python loops
- while loop / The while loop
- for loop / The for loop
- LSB steganography
- used, for hiding message / Hiding a message using LSB steganography, How to do it…, How it works…
- MAC flooding attack
- about / The MAC flooding attack
- MAC flood logic / The MAC flood logic
- MAC flood logic / The MAC flood logic
- mail services
- about / Mail services
- Maltego
- links, extracting from URL / Extracting links from a URL to Maltego, How it works…
- e-mails, extracting to / Extracting e-mails to Maltego, How it works…
- Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks
- about / Layer 2 in Ethernet networks, Encrypted remote access services
- man in the middle (MITM) attacks / How it works…
- manual pivot
- reference link / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- MD5 hash
- about / Generating an MD5 hash
- generating / How to do it…, How it works…
- cracking / Cracking an MD5 hash, How to do it…, How it works…
- mechanize, Python browser / Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python
- mechanize library / Understanding when to use specific libraries
- Media Access Control (MAC)
- about / Your first assessor script, The Ethernet frame architecture
- membership operators
- about / Logical and membership operators
- memory addresses
- about / Understanding memory addresses and endianness
- message
- hiding, LSB steganography used / Hiding a message using LSB steganography, How to do it…, How it works…
- extracting, hidden in LSB / Extracting messages hidden in LSB, How it works…
- Message Digest 5 (MD5) / Defining the offline credential attack
- about / Gaining root access to the system
- Metasploit / Metasploit
- Metasploitable
- about / Understanding the chaining of exploits
- Metasploit Framework's Remote Procedure Call (MSFRPC) / Nmap libraries for Python
- Metasploit modules
- reversing / Reversing Metasploit modules
- Metasploit Professional
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- Metasploit Remote Procedure Call (MSFRPC)
- about / Automating the exploit train with Python
- Microsoft-like color selection tool
- reference link / Creating a Python script to generate Excel spreadsheets
- reference link / Gaining root access to the system
- Mimikatz / Mimikatz and Incognito
- modules
- about / Modules and imports
- Mozilla add-on Tamper Data
- URL / Effects of parameter tampering on business
- multiprocessing
- versus multithreading / Understanding the difference between multithreading and multiprocessing
- reference link / Creating a multiprocessing script in Python
- multiprocessing script
- creating, in Python / Creating a multiprocessing script in Python
- multithreaded script
- creating, in Python / Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- multithreading
- versus multiprocessing / Understanding the difference between multithreading and multiprocessing
- mysql_real_escape_string()function / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- Name Service (NB-NS) / Responder
- namespace
- about / Understanding a namespace
- nested statement
- about / Curly brackets
- Netcat
- about / Netcat
- URL / Netcat
- netifaces library
- interface details, determining with / Determining your interface details with the netifaces library
- Network Basic Input Output System (NetBIOS) / Responder
- network disassociation
- about / Network disassociation
- Network Mapper (Nmap) / NMAP
- Network or IP layer / Format characters
- network sniffer
- about / Introducing a network sniffer
- implementing, with Python / Implementing a network sniffer using Python, Format characters
- format characters / Format characters
- Network Sockets
- about / Network sockets
- Network Time Protocol (NTP) / Converting Nmap XML to CSV
- New Technology LM (NTLM) / Cracking Windows passwords with John
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output, Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- nmap
- about / Understanding Nmap
- target ranges, inputting for / Inputting the target ranges for Nmap
- output types / Different output types
- reference link / Determining the backup filenames
- Nmap
- about / Converting Nmap XML to CSV
- Nmap Grepable output
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- nmap libraries, for Python
- about / Nmap libraries for Python
- nmap port scanning techniques
- reference link / Understanding how UDP works
- Nmap scans
- efficiency feature / Being efficient with Nmap scans
- Nmap scripting engine
- about / The Nmap scripting engine
- nmap scripts
- references / The Nmap scripting engine
- Nmap XML
- parsing, with Python script / Creating a Python script to parse an Nmap XML
- converting, to CSV / Converting Nmap XML to CSV, Getting ready, How it works…
- Nmap XML output
- about / Understanding the Nmap XML output
- non-destructive test / Defining the scope of pentesting
- non penetration testing
- Vulnerability Assessment (VA) / Vulnerability assessments
- reverse engineering engagements / Reverse engineering engagements
- hacking / Hacking
- nonpersistent (reflected) XSS / Nonpersistent or reflected XSS
- No Operation (NOP) modules / Metasploit
- No Operations (NOPs)
- about / Understanding the manipulation of the stack
- Not Safe For Work (NSFW) tag / Encoding with ROT13
- number variables
- about / Number variables
- converting / Converting string and number variables
- Object-oriented (OO)
- about / Python – the good and the bad
- oclHashcat / oclHashcat
- offline credential attack
- defining / Defining the offline credential attack
- one-time pad reuse
- attacking / Attacking one-time pad reuse, Getting ready, How it works…
- online credential attack
- defining / Defining the online credential attack
- online CVE databases
- reference / There's more…
- OO programming
- about / Python – the good and the bad
- Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) / Black Box Testing, theHarvester and Recon-NG, Introduction
- about / Introduction
- Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model
- about / Understanding how systems communicate
- Open Web Application Security Project's (OWASP) / Building industry-standard tools
- Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) / Introduction
- Operating System (OS) / Generating the usernames
- Operating Systems (OS)
- about / Understanding the difference between multithreading and multiprocessing
- operating system scans
- skipping / Skipping the operating system scans
- operators
- about / Operators
- reference link / Operators
- comparison operators / Comparison operators
- assignment operators / Assignment operators
- arithmetic operators / Arithmetic operators
- logical operators / Logical and membership operators
- membership operators / Logical and membership operators
- Ophcrack / Ophcrack
- options
- about / Arguments and options
- order by query / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- OS fingerprinting / Banner grabbing of a website
- Outlook Web Access (OWA)
- about / Cracking inboxes with Burp Suite
- Packet Capture (PCAP) / Verifying an RFI vulnerability
- packet crafting
- about / Learning about packet crafting
- pagination
- used, for harvesting additional results from Google+ API / Harvesting additional results from the Google+ API using pagination, How it works
- Pass-the-Hash (PtH)
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- Pass-the-Hash (PtH) attack / An example engagement
- Pass-the-Hash attack (PtH)
- about / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- passive sniffing / Passive sniffing
- passwords
- brute forcing / Brute forcing passwords, How to do it…, How it works…
- PATH environmental variable
- about / Environmental variables and PATH
- payloads
- encoding / Encoding payloads, How it works…
- penetration testing
- overview / An overview of penetration testing
- Aabout / Understanding what penetration testing is not
- tools / Penetration testing tools
- pen tester
- qualities / Qualities of a good pentester
- pen testing
- scope / Introducing the scope of pentesting
- need for / The need for pentesting
- components, to be tested / Components to be tested
- scope, defining / Defining the scope of pentesting
- non-destructive test / Defining the scope of pentesting
- destructive test / Defining the scope of pentesting
- approaches / Approaches to pentesting
- prerequisites tools / Understanding the tests and tools you'll need
- PeppingTom
- about / Identifying live applications versus open ports
- perimeter scanning
- limitations / Understanding the limitations of perimeter scanning
- Perl function
- example / Curly brackets
- persistent (stored) XSS / Persistent or stored XSS
- PF_PACKET / Format characters
- URL / There's more…
- Physical layer / Format characters
- ping command / How to check live systems in a network and the concept of a live system
- ping of death / Ping of death
- ping sweep
- about / Ping sweep
- pingsweep
- performing, Scapy used / Performing a ping sweep with Scapy, How to do it…, How it works…
- pivoting
- about / Understanding the new age of service exploitation
- used, for generating graphs / Generating graphs using, How it works…
- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
- about / Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- Portable Executable (PE) / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- port scanner
- about / The concept of a port scanner
- creating / How to create an efficient port scanner
- post exploitation modules, Metasploit
- reference link / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- POSTmethod / Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python
- pre-engagement interactions, PTES
- categories / Pre-engagement interactions
- White Box testing / White Box Testing
- Grey Box format / Grey Box Testing
- Black Box / Black Box Testing
- Double Blind tests / Double Blind Testing
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) / Pre-engagement interactions
- print function
- about / Python – the good and the bad
- Process Environment Block (PEB)
- about / Understanding the process environment block
- Process Execution (PSEXEC) attack
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- Process Identifier (PID)
- about / Gaining root access to the system
- profile pictures
- downloading, Google+ API used / Downloading profile pictures using the Google+ API, How it works
- program image
- about / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- PE header / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- .text / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- .rdata / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- .data / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- .rsrc / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- prohibited
- about / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- protection mechanisms
- about / Understanding protection mechanisms
- pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) / John the Ripper
- psexec module
- about / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- about / The penetration testing execution standard
- pre-engagement interactions / Pre-engagement interactions
- intelligence gathering / Intelligence gathering
- threat modeling / Threat modeling
- vulnerability analysis / Vulnerability analysis
- exploitation / Exploitation
- post exploitation / Post exploitation
- reporting / Reporting
- example engagement / An example engagement
- PtH
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output
- pwdump / pwdump and fgdump
- Python
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- overview / Python – the good and the bad
- exploit train, automating with / Automating the exploit train with Python
- used, for identifying hidden files and directories / Identifying hidden files and directories with Python
- using, for web assessments / Understanding when to use Python for web assessments
- specific libraries, using / Understanding when to use specific libraries
- multithreaded script, creating in / Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- multiprocessing script, creating in / Creating a multiprocessing script in Python
- URL, for downloading versions / Introducing Python scripting
- testing platforms / Learning the common testing platforms with Python
- used, for implementing network sniffer / Implementing a network sniffer using Python, Format characters
- used, for implementing ARP spoofing / Introducing ARP spoofing and implementing it using Python
- wireless SSID finding / Wireless SSID finding and wireless traffic analysis by Python
- wireless traffic analysis / Wireless SSID finding and wireless traffic analysis by Python
- client-side parameter, tampering / Tampering with the client-side parameter with Python
- Python class
- creating / Understanding how to create a Python class
- Python classes
- reference link / Understanding how to create a Python class
- Python formatting
- about / Python formatting
- indentation / Indentation
- Pythonic
- about / Python – the good and the bad
- Python Image Library (PIL) / Getting ready
- Python multiprocessing
- reference link / Creating a multiprocessing script in Python
- Python nmap library
- URL / Nmap libraries for Python
- Python script
- creating, for parsing Nmap XML / Creating a Python script to parse an Nmap XML
- creating, for generating Excel spreadsheets / Creating a Python script to generate Excel spreadsheets
- used, for implementing TCP scan / The TCP scan concept and its implementation using a Python script
- SQL injection attack / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- Python script, GitHub page
- reference link / Creating a Python script to parse an Nmap XML
- Python scripting
- about / Introducing Python scripting
- QtWebKit
- used, for obtaining website screenshots / Getting screenshots of websites with QtWebKit, How it works…
- about / Getting ready
- raw socket / Format characters
- Recon-NG / theHarvester and Recon-NG
- registers
- about / Getting started with registers
- general purpose registers / Understanding general purpose registers
- special purpose registers / Understanding special purpose registers
- regular expressions (Regex) / Identifying hashes
- Reiser File System (ReiserFS)
- about / Gaining root access to the system
- Remote and Local File Inclusion (RFI/LFI)
- about / Gaining access through websites
- Remote Code Execution (RCE)
- about / Assignment operators, Understanding basic buffer overflow
- Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
- about / Encrypted remote access services
- remote file inclusion
- references / The execution of file inclusion attacks
- reports
- XML files, parsing for / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- request-based script
- reference link / Understanding when to use specific libraries
- Request For Comment (RFC) / Creating a Python script to parse an Nmap XML
- Request for Proposal (RFP) / Pre-engagement interactions
- request library / Understanding when to use specific libraries
- reserved words
- about / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions
- Responder / Responder
- Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) chaining
- about / Understanding protection mechanisms
- hosts, exploring through / Exploiting the hosts through RFI
- RFI vulnerability
- verifying / Verifying an RFI vulnerability
- ROT13 encoding
- about / Encoding with ROT13
- using / How to do it…, How it works…
- scan types
- executing / Executing the different scan types
- TCP connection scan, executing / Executing TCP full connection scans, Executing ACK scans
- SYN scans, executing / Executing SYN scans
- ACK scans, executing / Executing ACK scans
- UDP scans, executing / Executing UDP scans
- Scapy
- used, for performing pingsweep / Performing a ping sweep with Scapy, How it works…
- about / Performing a ping sweep with Scapy
- scanning with / Scanning with Scapy, How it works…
- URL / There's more…
- scapy
- about / A half-open scan
- Scapy library, for Python
- about / The Scapy library for Python
- screenshots
- based on port list / Screenshots based on a port list, How it works…, There's more…
- script
- versus interactive interpreter / A Python interactive interpreter versus a script
- about / The first Python script
- developing / Developing scripts and identifying errors
- Secure Copy (SCP) / Gaining root access to the system
- Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 (SHA-1) / Defining the offline credential attack
- Secure Shell (SSH) / Hydra
- about / Nmap libraries for Python, Checking for weak, default, or known passwords, Encrypted remote access services
- Security Accounts Manager (SAM)
- about / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- Security by obscurity
- about / Understanding how systems communicate
- Security Identifier (SID) / An example engagement
- Security Operation Centre (SOC) analyst / Creating an Twitter C2
- security system
- testing, with injection / Testing the security system using custom packet crafting and injection
- testing, with custom packet crafting / Testing the security system using custom packet crafting and injection
- server-side program
- creating, for client connection / Moving on to the practical
- Server Message Block (SMB) / An example engagement
- about / Understanding the Nmap Grepable output, Testing for the synchronization of account credentials, The execution of file inclusion attacks
- servers
- fingerprinting, through HTTP headers / Fingerprinting servers through HTTP headers, How it works…, There's more…
- server socket methods
- about / Server socket methods
- socket.bind(address) / Server socket methods
- socket.listen(q) / Server socket methods
- socket.accept() / Server socket methods
- service exploitation
- about / Understanding the new age of service exploitation
- Service Pack (SP) / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- Service Set Identifier (SSID)
- about / Layer 2 in wireless networks
- session fixation
- about / Session fixation through a cookie injection
- through cookie injection / Session fixation through a cookie injection, How it works…, There's more…
- Set User Identifier (SUID) / Gaining root access to the system
- implementing, in real-world scenario / Implementing SHA in a real-world scenario, How it works…
- SHA 1/128/256 hash
- generating / Generating an SHA 1/128/256 hash, How it works…
- SHA and MD5 hashes
- implementing together / Getting ready, How it works…
- shared memory
- reference link / Creating a multiprocessing script in Python
- Shellshock checking
- about / Shellshock checking, How it works…
- Shodan
- about / Gathering information using the Shodan API
- URL / Gathering information using the Shodan API
- Shodan API
- used, for obtaining information / Gathering information using the Shodan API, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- simple-requests
- reference link / Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) / Identifying the target
- simple Netcat shell
- creating / Creating a simple Netcat shell, How it works…
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
- about / User Datagram Protocol (UDP) services
- simple SQL injection / Simple SQL injection
- SmartWhois
- website information, gathering by parser BeautifulSoup / Information gathering of a website from SmartWhois by the parser BeautifulSoup
- URL / Information gathering of a website from SmartWhois by the parser BeautifulSoup
- SMBexec / SMBexec
- SMTP VRFY script
- used, for testing users / Testing for users using SMTP VRFY
- creating / Creating the SMTP VRFY script
- URL / Creating the SMTP VRFY script
- sniffing process
- about / Introducing a network sniffer
- passive sniffing / Passive sniffing
- active sniffing / Active sniffing
- socket.accept() method / Server socket methods
- socket.connect(address) method / Client socket methods
- socket.connect_ex(address) method / Useful socket methods
- socket.getfqdn([name]) method / Useful socket methods
- socket.gethostbyaddr(ip_address) method / Useful socket methods
- socket.gethostbyname(hostname) method / Useful socket methods
- socket.gethostbyname_ex(name) method / Useful socket methods
- socket.gethostname() method / Useful socket methods
- socket.getservbyname(servicename[, protocol_name]) method / Useful socket methods
- socket.getservbyport(port[, protocol_name]) method / Useful socket methods
- socket.htonl(x) method / Format characters
- socket.htons(x) method / Format characters
- socket.listen(q) method / Server socket methods
- socket.ntohl(x) method / Format characters
- socket.ntohs(x) method / Format characters
- socket.recv(bufsize) method / General socket methods
- socket.recvfrom_into(buffer) method / General socket methods
- socket.recv_into(buffer) method / General socket methods
- socket.send(bytes) method / General socket methods
- socket.sendall(data) method / General socket methods
- socket.sendto(data, address) method / General socket methods
- socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) method / How to create an efficient port scanner
- socket.socket() function / Network sockets
- socket exceptions
- handling / Socket exceptions
- exception socket.herror / Socket exceptions
- exception socket.timeout / Socket exceptions
- exception socket.gaierror / Socket exceptions
- exception socket.error / Socket exceptions
- socket methods
- socket.gethostbyname(hostname) / Useful socket methods
- socket.gethostbyname_ex(name) / Useful socket methods
- socket.gethostname() / Useful socket methods
- socket.getfqdn([name]) / Useful socket methods
- socket.gethostbyaddr(ip_address) / Useful socket methods
- socket.getservbyname(servicename[, protocol_name]) / Useful socket methods
- socket.getservbyport(port[, protocol_name]) / Useful socket methods
- socket.connect_ex(address) / Useful socket methods
- SoupStrainer / There’s more…
- special purpose registers
- about / Understanding special purpose registers
- EBP / The EBP
- EDI / The EDI
- EIP / The EIP
- ESP / The ESP
- SpiderLabs msfrpc library
- reference link / Automating the exploit train with Python
- SQLi lists, for common injection types
- reference link / Being efficient during web assessments
- SQL Injection
- about / Introduction
- SQL injection / Introducing the SQL injection attack
- SQL injection attack
- about / Introducing the SQL injection attack
- types / Types of SQL injections
- by Python script / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- SQL injection attack, types
- simple SQL injection attack / Simple SQL injection
- blind SQL injection / Blind SQL injection
- SQLi test pages
- reference / There's more…
- sqlmap
- about / Being efficient during web assessments
- sqlmap tool / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- Sslscan
- about / Parsing Sslscan into CSV
- parsing, into CSV / Parsing Sslscan into CSV, How it works…
- stack adjustments
- about / Understanding stack adjustments
- stack manipulation
- about / Understanding the manipulation of the stack
- Standard Error (STDERR)
- about / Understanding logging within Python
- Standard Input (STDIN)
- about / Inputting the target ranges for Nmap
- Standard Out (STDOUT)
- about / Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions, Understanding Nmap
- Standard Output (STDOUT)
- about / Understanding logging within Python
- standard twitter API
- URL / How it works…
- Statement of Work (SOW) / Pre-engagement interactions
- steganography
- about / Introduction
- used, for enabling command and control / Enabling command and control using steganography, How to do it…, How it works…
- string
- variable, passing to / Passing a variable to a string
- string variables
- about / String variables
- converting / Converting string and number variables
- Structured Exception Handling (SEH)
- about / Understanding protection mechanisms
- Structured Query Language (SQL)
- about / Gaining access through websites
- Structured Query Language injection (SQLi)
- about / Gaining access through websites
- style guide
- about / The Python style guide
- reference link / The Python style guide
- substitution cipher
- cracking / Cracking a substitution cipher, How it works…
- SYN scans
- executing / Executing SYN scans
- Sysinternals tools / Sysinternals tools
- system communication
- about / Understanding how systems communicate
- System Development Life cycle (SDLC)
- about / Python – the good and the bad
- target
- identifying / Identifying the target
- targeted usernames
- creating / Creating targeted usernames
- URLs / Creating targeted usernames
- generating, with U.S census / Generating and verifying usernames with help from the U.S. census
- verifying, with U.S census / Generating and verifying usernames with help from the U.S. census
- generating / Generating the usernames
- excel spreadsheet, URL / Generating the usernames
- script download, URL / Generating the usernames
- target machine
- running services / What are the services running on the target machine?
- port scanner / The concept of a port scanner
- port scanner, creating / How to create an efficient port scanner
- target ranges
- inputting, for nmap / Inputting the target ranges for Nmap
- working / Understanding how TCP works
- TCP/IP stack
- about / Understanding how systems communicate
- TCP full connection scans
- executing / Executing TCP full connection scans
- TCP header / Format characters
- TCP header architecture
- about / The TCP header architecture
- TCP scan
- about / The TCP scan concept and its implementation using a Python script
- implementing, by Python script / The TCP scan concept and its implementation using a Python script
- TCP three-way handshake
- about / The TCP three-way handshake
- testing platforms, with Python / Learning the common testing platforms with Python
- text
- hiding, in images / Hiding text in images, How it works…, There's more…
- extracting, from images / Extracting text from images, How it works…, There's more…
- TFTP server
- backup files, downloading from / Downloading backup files from a TFTP server
- theHarvester / theHarvester and Recon-NG
- Thread Environment Block (TEB)
- about / Understanding the thread environment block
- threading.activeCount() method / How to create an efficient port scanner
- thread safe
- about / Creating a multithreaded script in Python
- tools, penetration testing
- about / Penetration testing tools
- Network Mapper (Nmap) / NMAP
- Metasploit / Metasploit
- Veil / Veil
- Burp Suite / Burp Suite
- Hydra / Hydra
- John the Ripper (JtR) / John the Ripper
- oclHashcat / oclHashcat
- Ophcrack / Ophcrack
- Mimikatz / Mimikatz and Incognito
- Incognito / Mimikatz and Incognito
- SMBexec / SMBexec
- Cewl / Cewl
- Responder / Responder
- theHarvester / theHarvester and Recon-NG
- Recon-NG / theHarvester and Recon-NG
- pwdump / pwdump and fgdump
- fgdump / pwdump and fgdump
- Netcat / Netcat
- Sysinternals tools / Sysinternals tools
- TRACE / Testing HTTP methods
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) / NMAP
- about / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
- about / User Datagram Protocol (UDP) services
- tuple variables
- about / Tuple variables
- twill
- using / Using twill to walk through the source
- twill library / Understanding when to use specific libraries
- Twitter C2
- creating / Creating an Twitter C2, How to do it…, How it works…
- Ubuntu TFTP server
- reference link / User Datagram Protocol (UDP) services
- working / Understanding how UDP works
- UDP header architecture
- about / The UDP header architecture
- UDP scans
- executing / Executing UDP scans
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
- about / Identifying live applications versus open ports, The execution of file inclusion attacks
- Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
- about / Understanding the new age of service exploitation
- union query / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- Universal Serial Bus (USB) / Ophcrack
- about / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- update() function / How to create an efficient port scanner
- URL-based SQLi
- identifying / Identifying URL-based SQLi, How to do it…, How it works…, There's more…
- urllib library
- URL / Understanding the SQL injection attack by a Python script
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- about / Understanding how systems communicate, Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP) services
- about / User Datagram Protocol (UDP) services
- usernames
- brute forcing / Brute forcing usernames, How to do it…, How it works…
- username validity
- checking / Checking username validity, Getting ready, How it works…
- variable
- passing, to string / Passing a variable to a string
- variables
- about / Python variables
- string variables / String variables
- number variables / Number variables
- list variables / List variables
- tuple variables / Tuple variables
- dictionary variables / Dictionary variables
- variables names
- about / Variables and instance names
- variable values
- debugging / Debugging variable values
- Veil / Veil
- reference link / Testing for the synchronization of account credentials
- Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs)
- about / The Scapy library for Python
- Virtual Machines (VMs)
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- about / Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
- Vulnerability Assessment (VA) / Vulnerability assessments
- Vulnerability Management Solution (VMS) / An overview of penetration testing
- Web App Firewalls (WAFs) / Encoding payloads
- Web Application Firewalls (WAFs)
- about / Being efficient during web assessments
- web applications
- about / Web applications
- web assessments
- Python, using for / Understanding when to use Python for web assessments
- efficiency feature / Being efficient during web assessments
- Web Proxy AutoDiscovery (WPAD) / Responder
- web server
- foot printing / The concept of foot printing of a web server
- hardening / Hardening of a web server
- website
- HTTP banner grabbing / Banner grabbing of a website
- websites
- spidering / Spidering websites, How it works…
- website screenshots
- obtaining, QtWebKit used / Getting screenshots of websites with QtWebKit, How to do it…, How it works…
- while loop
- about / The while loop
- white-box pen testing / Approaches to pentesting
- White Box testing (Clear Box testing) / White Box Testing
- Wikipedia page on ANSI
- URL / How it works…
- Windows Active Directory password complexity requirements
- reference link / Understanding the chaining of exploits
- Windows memory structure
- about / Understanding the Windows memory structure
- stack / Understanding the stack and the heap
- heap / Understanding the stack and the heap
- program image / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- dynamic-link libraries / Understanding the program image and dynamic-link libraries
- process environment block / Understanding the process environment block
- thread environment block / Understanding the thread environment block
- kernel / Kernel
- wireless attacks
- about / Wireless attacks
- deauthentication (deauth) attacks / The deauthentication (deauth) attacks
- MAC flooding attack / The MAC flooding attack
- wireless SSID finding
- performing, by Python / Wireless SSID finding and wireless traffic analysis by Python
- wireless traffic analysis
- performing, by Python / Wireless SSID finding and wireless traffic analysis by Python
- XML files
- parsing, for reports / Understanding how to parse XML files for reports
- about / Learning about Cross-Site scripting
- types / Learning about Cross-Site scripting
- persistent (stored) XSS) / Persistent or stored XSS
- nonpersistent (reflected) XSS / Nonpersistent or reflected XSS
- XSS lists
- reference link / Being efficient during web assessments
- Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) / Burp Suite
- about / Understanding the difference between interpreted and compiled languages
- Zelster
- URL / Understanding the new age of service exploitation