Integration with the environment
In order to interact with the environment, in our case the Active Directory we need to setup things. First, we need to be able to list hosts within the Active Directory, this will be performed by Ansible by gathering data from a Configuration Management Database (CMDB). Then we will see how Rundeck can interact with the Windows environment in order to execute PingCastle.
Import the Inventory in Ansible
Rundeck's inventory is a major component that builds the necessary workflows and operates the security tasks for several customers. This inventory should be generated on the fly from a configuration management database such as Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique (GLPI), ServiceNow, and so on.
In this section, you will learn how to use a script to get a JSON export from a CMDB. GLPI, which is a free CMDB solution, supports API calls and can easily be integrated with Ansible. The GLPI Ansible project helps ease this task. This project...