This chapter built upon the what and why of open source into the how – namely open source projects in which the work of open source is done. Additionally, I dug into the ethical expectations of releasing open source code and some of the patterns and anti-patterns I’ve seen in various open source projects.
One thing I want to stress is that there is no one way to run an open source project or one way a community should work; there are so many factors that come into play across cultures, industry verticals and horizontals, the pace and velocity of development, the maturity of a project, and the people involved themselves. Using a fruit analogy, apples and oranges are both fruit and will share some characteristics, and direct comparisons are equivalent to comparing apples and oranges.
This chapter also ends the so-called 101 level of education, as future chapters will delve into specific areas more. I’ve called out several of those chapters in this chapter...