What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started with Neo4j, introduces Neo4j, and the installation of Neo4j on the operating system of your choice. It also helps you move your data from various formats, such as CSV, Geoff, or from other databases, such as RDBMS, OrientDB, and so on.
Chapter 2, Connecting to Neo4j, deals with the various ways in which you can connect to Neo4j with the programming language of your choice, such as Java, Python, Scala, and PHP, and also shows how you can access it over the REST interface, as well as using an embedded version of it.
Chapter 3, The Cypher Query Language, teaches you the most used aspect of Neo4j, which is Cypher. You will learn about queries, which you will need frequently when working with Neo4j.
Chapter 4, Data Modeling and Leveraging with Neo4j, explores the data modeling concepts and techniques associated with the graph data in Neo4j; in particular, the property graph model, design constraints for Neo4j, and modeling across multiple domains.
Chapter 5, Mining the Social Treasure, helps you build frequently used use cases around social data. Whether you use data from popular social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or have data of your own, this chapter quickly gets you started with social use cases.
Chapter 6, Developing Location-based Services with Neo4j, teaches you the most important aspect of today's data, location, and how to deal with it in Neo4j. You can also learn how to import geospatial data into Neo4j and run queries, such as proximity searches, bounding boxes, and so on.
Chapter 7, Visualization of Graphs, shows you how to integrate the Neo4j graph database with the powerful domain of graph visualizations. We will discuss the different alternatives and resources to get started with.
Chapter 8, Industry Usages of Neo4j, shows you how different industries, such as healthcare, travel, and retail, use Neo4j in their domains. This all comes with a sample dataset and queries, which you can easily build and execute to see it running.
Chapter 9, Neo4j Administration and Maintenance, deals with recipes for deploying Neo4j on different clouds, backup strategies, debugging and security aspects.
Chapter 10, Scaling Neo4j, teaches you how to develop applications with Neo4j to handle high volumes of data. You will learn about different aspects while scaling different types of applications over Neo4j.