Time for action – adding a choice activity
With editing turned on, choose a topic, then click on Add an activity... and select Choice from the list.
Give the new activity a name.
Type a question into the Choice text box.
Use the Choice boxes to specify the possible answers you want your students to choose from.
In the Miscellaneous Settings box, you can configure how results are displayed, if results are to be displayed to students, and—if they are given to students—you can specify whether the results are to be anonymous:
When you are finished, press the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.
What just happened?
We've just added a poll to our course using a choice activity. I use straw polls to stimulate thinking in a class—they are the ideal tool to engender discussion and debate.
You can restrict when a choice activity is available, or you can simply hide the activity on the course front page (remember: click on the hide icon—usually an eyeball—to hide an activity).
To view the results...