In this chapter, we provided an overview of the 10 most important to-do's and takeaways from this book. In addition to the 10 most important to-do's, we covered some additional items to remind you of as you continue to harden and secure your Windows workstations and servers. Each of these items includes a reference back to the original chapter where you can review the material to gain more understanding.
We then provided an overview, using our personal insights, of the future of device security and management. Here, we covered a few essential areas that relate to device security along with a brief overview of IoT and the importance of security management as this space evolves. We finished the chapter with more personal insights on security and the future, especially as they relate to the ever-evolving innovation of new and futuristic technologies.
This chapter concludes the content of this book and Windows security and hardening. We hope you enjoyed the content...