Example uses
Hopefully, by this stage, you will have a great understanding of how to get sound into your Prezi, and of course, what the limitations on the software might be. But how is this going to make your presentations better and more memorable? A few ways that sound can be used in your Prezi are discussed in this chapter.
Less text
One of the great benefits of using audio is that it simply frees you up to use less text on the screen. When sitting through a presentation, it's always a little disheartening to see a slide or path that is filled with text.
Now, instead of making sure everything you want to cover is written on the screen, you can add an audio element to your presentation that helps you to de-clutter the visual aspect of your presentation and appeals to the audio learners out there, as well!
If you are part of a large global organization or if you have an international customer base, you might decide to build a Prezi that can be embedded into your company website for...