Being strategic is a fundamental key to making the right decisions when it comes to how to architect a complex ecosystem such as OpenStack. This chapter should lower the entry barrier to start an effective plan that meets your organization’s needs. The approach taken should help you identify different stages to start your cloud journey. There is no exact rule of thumb on how to design an operational OpenStack environment but templating the design patterns for each core service and sticking to the initially collected requirements will definitely enhance the journey. This chapter went through the newest updates on core services in the OpenStack ecosystem within Antelope and later releases, and a few more projects were considered to be offered once the private cloud is up and running. From an architecture perspective, this chapter should be revisited during the next stages to align and update your design draft in each step. As we used an iterative and incremental approach for our future OpenStack cloud environment, the next chapter will take you to the next deployment stage from what we have in draft, spiced up with best practices for the setup process.