Section 2: libvirt and ovirt for Virtual Machine Management
In this part of the book, you will get a complete understanding of how to install, configure, and manage a KVM hypervisor using libvirt. You will get advanced knowledge of KVM infrastructure components, such as networking, storage, and virtual hardware configuration. As part of the learning process, you will also get a thorough knowledge of virtual machine life cycle management and virtual machine migration techniques, as well as virtual machine disk management. At the end of part 2, you will be well acquainted with the libvirt command-line management tool virsh
and the GUI tool virt-manager
This part of the book comprises the following chapters:
- Chapter 3, Installing KVM Hypervisor, libvirt, and ovirt
- Chapter 4, Libvirt Networking
- Chapter 5, Libvirt Storage
- Chapter 6, Virtual Display Devices and Protocols
- Chapter 7, Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Life Cycle Management
- Chapter...