In this chapter, we examined different tasks that are required to perform a successful attack against any wireless network and also how to configure the wireless modem and reconnaissance of APs using tools such as aircrack-ng
. In this chapter, we also learned the basics of Bluetooth and also about the complete suite of aircrack-ng
tools that are used to identify hidden networks, bypass MAC authentication, and compromise WPA, WPA2, and WPA-Enterprise. We also saw how we can utilize the automated tool Wifite to perform a quick capture of a handshake and crack passwords offline or with a good dictionary with the use of multiple options. Then, we took a deep dive into setting up a fake AP using Wifiphisher, and learned how to perform DoS attacks against wireless networks and Bluetooth devices.
In the next chapter, we will focus on how to assess a website using a methodology that’s specific to this type of access, thereby conducting the reconnaissance and scanning...