Part 2: Animating with Diverse Techniques
With the foundational content out of the way, we will now begin to really explore some of the more modern techniques used to animate content within the software. We’ll start out by exploring the use of Advanced Layers Mode and making use of the camera to animate entire scenes. We will then explore additional capabilities of Advanced Layers through character animation with forward kinematics and Layer Parenting. Following this, we will explore the use of inverse kinematics using the Bone tool and the specialized armature system. In the final two chapters of this part, we will explore modern mesh manipulation, animation, and rigging techniques through the use of warped objects, pins, and distortion envelopes, followed by brand-new armature rigging workflows with hard, soft, and flexi bones.
This part comprises the following chapters:
- Chapter 4, Enhancing Animations Using Advanced Layers Mode
- Chapter 5, Setting Up Characters...