Chapter 1, Introduction to Machine Learning on Mobile, explains what machine learning is and why we should use it on mobile devices. It introduces different approaches to machine learning and their pro and cons.
Chapter 2, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms, covers supervised and unsupervised approaches of machine learning algorithms. We will also learn about different algorithms, such as Naive Bayes, decision trees, SVM, clustering, associated mapping, and many more.
Chapter 3, Random Forest on iOS, covers random forests and decision trees in depth and explains how to apply them to solve machine learning problems. We will also create an application using a decision tree to diagnose breast cancer.
Chapter 4, TensorFlow Mobile in Android, introduces TensorFlow for mobile. We will also learn about the architecture of a mobile machine learning application and write an application using TensorFlow in Android.
Chapter 5, Regression Using Core ML in iOS, explores regression and Core ML and shows how to apply it to solve a machine learning problem. We will be creating an application using scikit-learn to predict house prices.
Chapter 6, ML Kit SDK, explores ML Kit and its benefits. We will be creating some image labeling applications using ML Kit and device and cloud APIs.
Chapter 7, Spam Message Detection in iOS - Core ML, introduces natural language processing and the SVM algorithm. We will solve a problem of bulk SMS, that is, whether messages are spam or not.
Chapter 8, Fritz, introduces the Fritz mobile machine learning platform. We will create an application using Fritz and Core ML in iOS. We will also see how Fritz can be used with the sample dataset we create earlier in the book.
Chapter 9, Neural Networks on Mobile, covers the concepts of neural networks, Keras, and their applications in the field of mobile machine learning. We will be creating an application to recognize handwritten digits and also the TensorFlow image recognition model.
Chapter 10, Mobile Application Using Google Cloud Vision, introduces the Google Cloud Vision label-detection technique in an Android application to determine what is in pictures taken by a camera.
Chapter 11, Future of ML on Mobile Applications, covers the key features of mobile applications and the opportunities they provide for stakeholders.
Appendix, Question and Answers, contains questions that may be on your mind and tries to provide answers to those questions.