Creating a body
So far, we've hardcoded a lot of functionality directly inside our sandbox or agent Lua scripts. Now, we'll be using the same logic, but instead of duplicating it in multiple places, we'll be using helper functions provided by src/demo_framework/script/Soldier.lua
. The functions within the soldier Lua script are specialized and tuned to provide the correct steering weights and animation representation in order to create a soldier going forward. The animation state machines found within the soldier script are a more flushed-out representation of the same state machines that we created previously.
Creating a soldier
Now, we'll take a brief look at what functionalities the soldier script provides and how we'll go about using them.
The Soldier.SoldierStates
and Soldier.WeaponStates
tables provide a list of all the available animation states for both the soldier and the soldier's weapon animation state machines.
The Soldier_AttachWeapon
function will...