Animation clips
Now that we have a mesh with a skeleton, we can start talking about how skeletons become animated. Ogre's animation system is based on animation clips and forward kinematics. What this all boils down to is the use of a hierarchical setup where each child bone is a position and orientation offset to its parent bone.
Each animation clip stores a number of key frames that pose the entire skeleton at a specific point in time. In between these key frames, Ogre will interpolate each bone position in order to create an animated skeleton.
Playing an animation on our soldier
Playing an animation on our soldier requires three important parts. First, we need to acquire the animation based on its name; then, we need to enable the animation; and then, we need to update the animation during our normal sandbox update loop.
It is the sandbox's responsibility to step the animation based on the delta time the sandbox updates with.
Obtaining an animation is performed by the Animation...