Throughout this book, we will build 5 different WordPress themes from start to finish. We will look at all the fundamental concepts that are needed to start building great themes.
To get through the book, you should have some experience in HTML/CSS and PHP. You will also need to have a general idea of what WordPress is—it's installation and WordPress website management—and a basic understanding of some programming fundamentals, for example, arrays, variables, loops, statements, and so on. The projects are mainly based around HTML5, CSS3, and PHP.
Apart from these, there are some other technologies and concepts that we will be looking at throughout the book. These include WordPress post loops, which is the main loop that grabs database to WordPress, hooks/actions, the functions.php file where we put our dynamic code for our WordPress theme, widgets, WP_queries, and theme customizer. Also, we'll be using a range of frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, and W3 CSS, which is a fairly new framework.
So, let's dive in and start building the cool themes.