Creating a backup
Before making any changes to an existing WebSphere installation, it is mandatory practice to make a backup before an upgrade is applied. You can backup WAS using the
command. This will create a ZIP file of your full WAS configuration in case there are problems and you need to resort back to a previously known copy. If you run
without any parameters, it will automatically create a date and time-stamped .zip
You can get help for the command by typing the following command:
For Linux:
./ –help
For Windows:
backupConfig.bat –help
Usage: backupConfig [backup_file] [-nostop] [-quiet] [-logfile<filename>] [-replacelog] [-trace] [-username <username>] [-password <password>] [-profileName<profile>] [-help]
An example of running the
utility is shown in the following screenshot:

During backup, the backupConfig
stops the WAS processes, so this should be a planned activity...