Release management
The process of release management is the way to plan, schedule, build, and make the software available to the end users in a defined timeline. Release management involves several interrelated and overlapping tasks that sum up to provide a meaningful release. They are as follows:
Define a top-level release plan along with timelines. This becomes the release that goes to the end customers.
Divide the timeline into the smaller and manageable Iterations. In the Agile development scenario, these are called Sprints.
Define and prioritize the Stories for a release and Tasks for Iterations.
Make sure that all the must have stories of the release are scheduled across the defined iterations.
Assign Stories to releases and Tasks to individual team members.
Track the progress of the tasks in each iteration.
Manage the constantly incoming change requests and add them to product backlog.
Risk assessment of tasks and iterations.
Generate reports to the project stakeholders.
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