Google Cloud Vertex AI
This is where we start getting to expert-level AI/ML. Think back on all of the data science concepts we’ve covered so far in this book; all of the different types of ML approaches, algorithms, use cases, and tasks. Vertex AI is where you can accomplish all of them, and many more that we will yet explore in this book. You can use Vertex AI as your central command center for performing everything AI/ML-related. Our ML model lifecycle diagram in Figure 3.14 illustrates this point graphically. Traditionally, we would expect an AI/ML platform to mainly take care of training, evaluating, deploying, and monitoring models. This is what’s represented by the blue box on the right-hand side of Figure 3.14, and all of these activities are of course supported by Vertex AI. However, with additional features such as notebooks and MLOps pipelines, Vertex goes beyond just those traditional ML activities, to also enable us to perform all of the tasks in our lifecycle...