Creating badges
Open Badges make more sense when you see them in action, so let's get started and afterwards we can explain what we have achieved. Decide on two badges you would like to design for your test course. Perhaps a Welcome badge and another badge to represent an achievement. Moodle will accept any square image as a badge. The image will be resized to 90x90 pixels, so one or two words is the most you can fit on a small badge. Here are a few tips to find images for badges:
Search for "Free icon packs" on Google. Games and websites use these packs of images, and they make great badges. Try this website:
Make your own badges at sites such as this one:
Use Photoshop brushes or stamps to make badges:
Figure 6.1: Badges must be square and will be resized to 90 x 90 pixels in Moodle. Make sure your badges are legible even if they are small