Time for action – writing a Qt wrapper for embedding Python
As the first task, we will implement the last program using an object-oriented API. Create a new console project and add the following class to it:
#include <Python.h> #include <QObject> #include <QString> class QtPython : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: QtPython(const char *progName, QObject *parent = 0) : QObject(parent) { if(progName != 0) { wchar_t buf[strlen(progName+1)]; mbstowcs(buf, progName, strlen(progName)); Py_SetProgramName(buf); } Py_InitializeEx(0); } ~QtPython() { Py_Finalize(); } void run(const QString &program) { PyRun_SimpleString(qPrintable(program)); } };
Then, add a
function as shown in the following snippet:
#include "qtpython.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { QtPython python(argv[0]); python.run("print('Hello from Python')"); return 0; }
Finally open the .pro
file and tell Qt to...