Creating reaction spots
When the player clicks on the parchment, the game shows the content written on that parchment via a user interface. When the player clicks on a particular location in the world, Clara walks to that spot by playing a walking animation and playing a footsteps sound. These are all direct interactions at the player’s end, which brings us to discuss cases when the game should react to indirect events.
Although not lit, Clara is holding a torch. You already know how to use the Light nodes in Godot. So, it’s easy to place OmniLight near the torch mesh inside the Clara node. Our basic expectation is that, when she walks by the candles on the floor and the sconces on the walls, she’ll be lighting those up using her torch. Thus, the game needs to know when she’s near some objects.
Let’s first give Clara a torch she can carry around, then we can proceed to discuss how this torch can affect other objects in the level, as follows...