Vuex (usually pronounced veweks) is the official Vue.js implementation of the Flux architecture. By enforcing the principles described previously, Vuex keeps your application data in a transparent and predictable state even when that data is being shared across many components.
Vuex includes a store with state and mutator methods, and will reactively update any components that are reading data from the store. It also allows for handy development features like hot module reloading (updating modules in a running application) and time-travel debugging (stepping back through mutations to trace bugs).
In this chapter, we will add a save feature to our Vuebnb listings so that a user can keep track of the listings that they like best. Unlike other data in our app so far, the saved state must persist across pages; for example, when a user changes from one page to another, the app must remember which items the user has already saved. We will use Vuex to achieve this:

Figure 8.4. Saved state is...