Positioning components in multiple columns
Multicolumn layouts are pervasive today. They are a favorite choice when there is a need to display complex data, or to have an organized and easy-to-navigate GUI. This recipe explains how to set up this type of layout with Ext JS, as shown in the following screenshot:

How to do it...
1. Create the columns of your layout:
var column1={ xtype:'panel', title: 'Column 1', columnWidth: .3, html: 'Width=30%' } var column2={ xtype: 'panel', title: 'Column 2', columnWidth: .5, html: 'Width=50%' } var column3={ xtype: 'panel', title: 'Column 3', width: 200, html: 'Width=200px' }
2. Position the columns in a container that uses the column layout:
var container=new Ext.Viewport({ layout: 'column', defaults: { bodyStyle: 'padding:10px' }, items: [column1, column2, column3] });
How it works...
Building a column layout requires you to create the panels that will constitute the columns. These columns are then added to a container that uses ColumnLayout
. (Note the...