- Choosing learning rate is not a solved problem. There is no one “right” learning rate. What happens if you make the learning rate 10 times bigger? 10 times smaller? What if you start with a large learning rate and then reduce it after some training?
- We used the same loss function and optimizer as the original code, which was first released back in 2018, but there are a lot of options now that weren’t available then. Try replacing the loss function with others from PyTorch’s extensive collection (https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#loss-functions). Some of them will work without any change, but some won’t work for our situation at all. Try different ones, or even try combinations of loss functions!
- We defined a model that downscaled from a 64x64 pixel image and re-created that same image. But with some tweaks, this same architecture can instead create a 128x128 or 256x256 pixel image. How would you make changes to the model...