Creating and setting up a Movie mode project
Movie mode is a blank canvas; an empty timeline that we have to make our own. That means choosing the clips you want, with the shot sizes you want, in the order you want. It’s important to remember there’s no right or wrong in deciding this, and if you’re unsure, have a look at the Magic Movie that you made in the previous chapter, and try recreating that shot-for-shot. But before we decide what our story looks like, we need to set up the project and get it ready for adding our clips.
Why use Movie mode?
Before we start using Movie mode, we should be sure that this is the right mode for the project we’re working on. Use the rule Choose the simplest program that gets the job done to help you decide whether it is. We have seen that for simple jobs such as combining videos and splitting clips, QuickTime Player on Mac or Magic Movie on iPhone and iPad serve the purpose perfectly well. But if we want to change...